
Saturday, September 9, 2017


Planned on working on my test quilt and a couple of other small things.
But, a change in plans.
DH's birthday is today and he called DD and sounded so sad that she decided she would like to come home.
Driving in the dark is not something she feels comfortable with (I-35 is crazy at night), so I went and picked her up.
We surprised her Dad and DS came over after work.
Had a fun evening, even though it was late hanging with the family.
DD's birthday card for her Dad.

Having a birthday breakfast at IHOP because DS had to work at 10.

DD pestering DS

She's enjoying it too much.
Birthday dinner postponed until tomorrow when DS can attend.

Helping DD with Math homework and then I can sew.

If anyone is willing to answer, she has a question for her social work class.
"What do you think a Social Worker does?"

Thanks, have a blessed day.

1 comment:

  1. I've had three experiences with social work. She can email me and I'll answer. But basically to assist people as an advocate
