
Thursday, June 1, 2017

Get it Done

I didn't get it done for May. :( 
Got lots of other things, but not that one.
Simple Woven is my June Get it Done quilt and I would really like to get it done.
I do not like slice and dice quilts.
I forgot how much I didn't like them, but this one reminds me.
This one is for my son, and his birthday is in August, so perfect timing.


  1. I feel your pain, I feel the same way about the quilt I was unable to finish in May too. But I will finish it, and it looks like you will finish yours too!

  2. I haven't made a quilt like that, but it looks like it will be a lovely quilt when it is done.

  3. But you did get an incredible amount done this past month. Congratulations!
