
Monday, May 8, 2017

design Wall

Having finished the gray top, I am now on to the blue top.
I have so many blue scraps (3 drawers full) that this should have lots of variety in it.
DD wants it all types of blue to the teal colors.
The stars will be the opposite because the UFO that these came from has lots of white star points leftover.
I'll still have some fo the white star points left, but will have made a dent in them. 
This is ready to sew into the webbing, unless I decide I need to move things around more.
Today is a long day out of the house, so I'll wait until tomorrow to work on that. 
Design curtains are getting full.
There are not many of the Winter Solstice BOW to go before we start the setting of them..
I've used my floral scraps and they are all over the place right now.
But, I like the way most of the blocks have turned out.
It has made a small dent in the floral scraps.
I imagine I could make 4-5 more quilts from that drawer. :)

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