
Monday, May 1, 2017

Design Wall

The purple one is done, but the gray one is just started. 
'm debating on whether I need to put in some black and white into the gray mix. 
I'm thinking it would help it more, and I could make I stretch more. 
Basic building blocks was the quilt for April, but I just got it up on the wall.
It should go together fairly fast. 
I'm quilting the Book It quilt for April
Now to find a new book for May.

Check out other design walls at Patchwork Quilts.


  1. Meloney, I love the purple quilt. Those stars are really offset well. I like the book project as well - I'm not familiar with that elephant but he sure is cute and looks friendly. ~smile~

  2. Sometimes getting it up on the wall is harder than sewing it together because you have to make so many decisions. Once it's up all you have to do is put it under the needle.

  3. Congrats on all the progress!

  4. FYI - Since Judy Laquidara is no longer doing "Design Wall Mondays", I talked to her and got permission to continue Design Wall Mondays at my blog:

    I hope to see your posts on future Mondays, Judy Hansen
