
Monday, March 27, 2017

Motivational Monday

20-25 March 2017

Work on Car Organizer
Worked on understanding the directions.
I do not like making these types of things, plus this is the last gift my Dad gave me before he passed away, maybe that has something to do with my disconnect.
Work on Turtle Toy
the turtle toy is completed.
Work on happiness is Quilting Top
Quilt Cat Swap Quilt
Quilt Test Quilt
Winter Solstice block
Sparkling Sampler in Red

25 March - 1 April 2017

Work on Happiness Is Quitling Top
Quilt Test Quilt
Winter Solstice block

Sparkling Sampler in Red
Car Organizer
Bind Cat quilt
Finish Modern Maze Quilt Top
Continue to work on Book It Challenge
Start one of three Girl Scout Quilts - Purple, Blue, Gray

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