
Friday, January 13, 2017

What's in the bag?

I have been doing what's in the bag daily, well almost daily, but didn't get time on the computer.
It's been college visit times.
This was a mess of things.
Trash, receipts, fabric.
All put away in their places. 
The plastic baggie is in a bag of all baggies.
That bag should be taken care of in the near future too. 
This was another "Christmas" type of bag that was full to overflowing. 
Yes who knew what was in it.
I save those cafe vienna boxes and need to come up with a plan for use.
I have used them to organize little things, but I have too many of them.
A craft would be awesome and I could donate to the nursing home craft event. 
Bag is empty and all is in its rightful place. 
This went back to a Girl Scout meeting long ago.  
Lots of craft supplies.
Put it all away.

1 comment:

  1. A great way to tackle clean up and reorganization. You've made some great progress.
