
Sunday, January 22, 2017

Sunday's WITB

This was a fairly newly created bag, because I've not had this purple bag for long.
Looks like lots of paperwork. 
Yep, lots of paperwork.
I filed most of it. 
This needs to be filed, but the 2017 files are not together yet.
Maybe that is a task for this coming week. 
I think I'm going to use this bag to put some of the items in the stack that are not in boxes or bags.
I'll be able to handle it a little at a time.


  1. Thank God I don't have anymore bags to organize! I had but I tackled them earlier. Good going Meloney! (

    I really like your Solstice blocks. Cannot wait to see your quilt when we are done. (=

  2. I like your idea of "What's in a Bag?" (Box or Basket in my case) I think I'm going to have start doing this soon at my place!

    Found you from Patchwork Times/Judy's Sunday Stash Report! I'll be adding you to my blog roll!
