
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Prairie Moon Organization Challenge

This is a great thing to do.
last time it was to work on piles.
I did lots in the studio, but made different piles.
I'm not sure I made lots of progress or not

This week is to

Clean out a drawer

I can always use this one.
I'm not exactly sure what is in there, and it is a mess.
It is not quilting, or I don't think it is, but all the craft things need help too.
I just cleaned out all the crafting supplies.
I had lots more in there.
Gave a few things away, consolidated lots of things.
Need to find what to do with those stones you put in vases and such.
So, going through a drawer in that same area would be a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. Check out Pinterest for those jewels. I saw some fun uses for gluing them to the bottom half of small jars, adding a votive candle, matching ribbon tied along the outside lip...and there's a ready-made gift!
