
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Make a List Monday

I know, it isn't Monday.
It's Tuesday, but better late than never!
My list is not all quilting....

1. Get to post office to mail off the pile of mail.
2. Deliver Christmas gift (Wednesday)
3. Get A/C fixed so I am not sweating so much, so I can quilt more.
4. Make Backing for test quilt
5. Start another test quilt
6. Go through UFO cabinet.
7. Continue to clean up studio

Check out Confessions of a Fabric Addict for other links.

DD and I had fun painting with a twist tonight.
At least it was cool in the painting studio, then we came home to a hot house.
They have to order another part.
It is hard to get motivated to move when I am sweating while sitting still.

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