
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Final Countdown #3

Prairie Moon's final final countdown is 

Get committed

I finished organizing the main fabric stash.
I will need to work on the scraps, but will do them as I am using them.

I'm still cleaning up surfaces.
I have the desk to deal with.
That might take awhile to make it happen

I still have the scary corner to deal with.
I'll need to enlist DD to help me get that stuff together.
The window seat won't be that bad, so maybe I'll tackle that next.

My 2017 goal are talked about here.
My word for the year is CHANGE.
So many ways to implement that and I'll talk about them as I go along.

There are so many things that I want to work towards.
Like Shelly, I want to work on those UFOs.
I would really like to be in the double digits, but I don't know that that is going to happen.
I have too many things going right now.
If I focus, I will be closer than I am this year, and that will be a good thing.

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