
Monday, December 26, 2016

Book It

Book It Challenge

We all have those books and patterns that we buy with good intentions.
I know my books almost never get touched.
I even went through them and gave away more than I kept.
I still have not used them this past year.
I have a drawer full of patterns that I might have used one tenth of.
So, my thought this year is to have a Book It Challenge.

This is a very simple challenge.
Pick a book/pattern that you already own and see if you can make a project with it.
It can be as big or small as you wish.
I don’t have sponsors, not even sure how to get any sponsors.
The big reward is accomplishing things that you enjoy.
I'll have to figure out how to have link it for all to post what they are working on and completions.
I'll post on the first of each month with a reminder the last week of them to post your completions.

How many are in with me?


  1. I'm in,too. I have every Judy Martin, every Marsha McClosky. A lot of Kansas City Star, Terry Clothier Barbara Brackman--and a number of others that are heavy on repros and block patterns.

  2. This is a great idea. I'm in. You might host a blog link up each month -- google "in links" or ask someone who hosts one (Judy Laquidara, for example).
    Btw, I am awed at your UFO list!

  3. This is a great idea. I'm in. You might host a blog link up each month -- google "in links" or ask someone who hosts one (Judy Laquidara, for example).
    Btw, I am awed at your UFO list!

  4. Sounds like fun !!!! I have all of Bobbie Hunters books and Lots more !!! I also plan to use some of the specialty rulers I have bought and are still in the package.

  5. I think I am going to do this! Heard about it on Stashbusters, thanks for sharing your good idea, Meloney.

    --Gina in Missouri

  6. Count me in as well. I am leaning towards Ricky Tims' Convergance,technique that I have wanted to learn for some time now.
