
Monday, December 19, 2016

2017 Goals

Quilting Jet Girl is doing a 2017 Goal Setting Linky

My 2016 Goals

1. I will fling the things I don't want anymore. 
We gave away at least 3 boxes each month, and sometimes many more, that charities picked up.
We also took things to Goodwill when we had more than we wanted to save until the next charity pick up.

2. I will improve on my health.
I lost 35 lbs this year.
I began to exercise more regularly
I am eating healthier

3. I will use/give away a net of 200 yards of fabric this year. 

I exceeded this goal and still have two weeks to go.

4. I will finish 60 UFOs this year -- 5 to go

January finishes - 6

February finishes - 3
March finishes - 6
April finishes - 6
May finishes - 4
June finishes - 5
July - 11
August - 1
September - 6
October - 5
November - 1
December - 1

I know I have one more finish. If I got creative, I could get this done. 
I'll get close, but not sure if I'll make this goal.

5. I will learn how to digitize using Embird Generations.
I am learning Generations.
It is difficult for my brain, but Artistic Threadworks is helping.

6. I will learn how to use my featherweight.
I didn't even try this one.
I like my Janome Gem and stayed with the known.

7. I will be able to walk behind the long Arm.
I met this goal and then junked it up again. :(

Lots of folks are talking about 2017 goals.
I'm not done with 2016 yet, but it never hurts to think ahead.
I have 5 categories of goals.

1. I will improve my health
This area has declined a little with laziness and busyness.
I need to get back into consistent exercise.
I need to start drinking more water than other things.
I was doing well with staying away from diet sodas and diet doctor pepper attacked me.
I need to find some more exciting foods to eat so I'm not bored with the limited sugar and wheat eating habits.
I'm going to make sure I don't over commit myself after DD is away at college.

2. I will become more organized
I used to be very organized and then I retired.
Now, I think this is a never ending battle, especially the paper battle.
I want to keep my studio in order.
I want to get all the extra papers out of the house by shredding or trashing.
I want to make sure I've got my parent's paperwork in order.
I want to make sure I've got my parent's "stuff" in order.
I want my filing to stay up to date.
I'd like to know what patterns I really have and be able to get to them to use.
I'd like my craft supplies to be neat and orderly so I can find what I need when I need it.
My extra bedroom is a storage room, and I'd like to go through those things and part with what I don't love.

3. I will downsize
This fits well with Organize.
I want to go through those things and pass on what I no longer need.
I want to really evaluate the furniture in the house and share what is not needed.
Finding the areas to downsize will be a big help.

4. I will improve
This is a big area.
I am truly blessed so many wonderful things that I'm not using to their full potential.
I need to really learn about my Featherweight and use it.
I have a Gammill Long Arm and need to try some new patterns and ruler work.
My Embroidery machine was in the shop some this year and I realized I have so much more to learn on it.
I am learning to Digitize and I need to learn and do more with it.
I could use to improve on my accuracy when I'm in a hurry.
I want to continue to test for TQPM and pick projects that challenge me.
I'd like to improve how many Quilts of Valor I can quilt this year.
I want to become better at hand quilting.

5. I will decrease my fabric stash
It's not that I need to just use up fabrics, but it would be good to focus on what I have rather than acquiring more.
Using or donating a net of at least 100 yards of fabric.
I have triple digit UFOs and would like to get them down to double digits this year.
I think that is entirely possible.
I don't want to focus only on my UFOs this year, but do want to work on them. 
2016 I had 87% of my fabric usage from finishing UFOs.
This year Judy L is doing a number of different things with UFOs and New starts.
I belong to Stashbusters Yahoo group and they do their annual UFO Challenge.
Sampler Society Yahoo group is doing a Done and new Challenge.
I am going to do a Book Challenge on my blog.
I'm going to be open to other challenges, but not stress over doing it.
I'm going to decrease some of my outside activities.
My DD will be going away to college next summer, so I'll have more free time, I hope.


  1. You had a wonderfully successful 2016, and I like the way you have laid out your goals for 2017 as well. I wish you a wonderful year ahead and lots of fun and quilting as you continue ahead. Thanks for linking up!

  2. You have been busy! May your New Year bring many more blessings!

  3. Wow! I love that you have kept your self accountable. I am still flabbergsted by the idea of 60 finishes in a year!!! Holy moley! I'm lucky to get 6!!! :-D Seems like 2017 will be a big year for you, so I look forawrd to seeing how it all goes.
    E xx
