
Monday, November 14, 2016

Studio Organizing

Prairie Moon Organization Challenge had me setting time to clean the studio.
I did clean. I went though, filed, tossed and rearranged two big bins.
What I really need to work with is the two kiddo baby clothing quilts and then 2 huge containers would be gone.

This coming week is:
Clear off your main work surface

This is always a good one.
 I will work on the cutting table, 
the pressing station, and
the desk.
They are horrible, and they could use some additional help.

My desk is always a mess.
I wonder if I can figure out how to not have that happen.
Between papers, school work and "stuff" it is never clean for any length of time.

I did work on cleaning up the studio and am happy I did.
I found a number of things that I was missing.
The cutting table is a mess because I have been using it to go through boxes in the studio

I do think the cutting table and the pressing table will be easy to get cleaned up.
Now, the desk is another story, but I'll give it my all.

1 comment:

  1. Any flat surface of mine is fair game to be a catchall. I don't know why I think everything has to be out all at once! I've barely left myself any room to work! Good luck with yours. I'll be over here working on mine.
