
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Stashbuster # draw

The November Numbers for stashbuster are:
#1 - 2017 Band T-shirt
This is not ready to finish yet.
I need one more shirt for this year to add to the T-shirts.
They might be able to get it to me and I can just continue on the path of getting this done.
#47 Fall Panels
The December low number is #10
This one was finished.
I'm not exactly sure which quilt it was, but it is done, so that is good.
The large number for December will be drawn in late November.

I know the 2017 Band T-shirt Quilt will have to wait, so it isn't going to be done.
The Fall Panel is a good possibility.
It looks like there is a good possibility of it being finished in November.

I find it interesting how the numbers go each year.
Apparently I have not finished some of 2015 Numbers and they are picked again.  LOL

2015 Nov Stashbuster #5
2016 Jul Stashbuster #6
Applique Pixie Garden (by window)

2015 May Stashbuster #9
Applique turtles (window)

2015 October Stashbuster #10
2016 September Stashbuster #8
Baby clothing quilt – boy 

2016 October Stashbuster #9
Baby clothing quilt –girl

2015 December Stashbuster #27
Christmas -  Nature gift

2015 September Stashbuster #40
Copper and teal quilt

2015 Jun Stashbuster #50
Embroidery blocks

2016 August Stashbuster #53 
Fall panel

2016 Nov Stashbuster #47
Fall Panels

2015 Feb Stashbuster #64
Fall Quilt

2016 May Stashbuster #53
Fancy Fox

2016 October Stashbuster #59
Frog & flowers baby quilt


  1. Do you make a list at the beginning of the year and then just draw a number each month?

  2. It is amazing how many UFOs you've finished. You are my inspiration.
