
Saturday, October 29, 2016

Scrap Happy

So Scrappy Happy Saturday has us post what scrappy projects we are working on.
The HST quilt.
Need to finish making the HST and then adjust the placement. 
Pixie Garden still has 2 more blocks to applique and then check to see if I need to embroider anything else. 
Quilty Fun is ready for me to make it a rectangle the opposite direction.
I'm going to be adding some blocks to the top and bottom to finish it up.

Most of what I do now is UFOs and using up my scraps.
I seem to have lots of patterns I would like to make out of scrappy things.
I'm sure there are other projects out that fit this, but these are the ones in the forefront.


  1. omgosh, your butterflies are so cute!

  2. The Quilty Fun is a cute project. Wish I could see all the fun details up close. Keep up the good work!

  3. I love scrappy projects, too. SEW much FUN to use what's in the stash!!
