
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Prairie Moon Organization Challenge

Last week we needed to put away all the fabrics.
I actually did that.
right now I have a pile of Tshirt leftovers that need to be put away.
I actually need to cut them into T-shirt yarn and make into balls.
We shall see how long that takes me to do.
This time the challenge is to:

Choose an area to reset, redesign, reboot, or overhaul

I have so many places I could say I need to do something with.
I really like my studio area, but there are just some things that I need to do differently.
The part that has been bugging me the most lately is how I store my leftover batting.

When DH changed out the broken light above my cutting table, he had to move this pile of sorted batting.
Well, it didn't quite make it back the way I had it.
It really is a mess being in that spot anyway.
With the T-shirt leftovers and the batting across from it.
I don't care for the look at all.
So, I'm going to work on this walkway.
I think I'll see if I can find a nicer way to keep the leftover batting in control.
I really would like to use it up, but that never seems to happen.
It is less of a pile than before.
Check out all the comments at Prairie Moon.

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