
Thursday, October 13, 2016

I might have a scrap problem

Confessions of a Fabric Addict has a great accountability on Wednesdays.
I can't do much on Wednesday with my schedule, but it's Thursday morning for me.

I have ties I need to deconstruct.  
I'm not exactly sure how to do that efficiently.  
Guess I need to start.

I am working on getting a couple UFOs done. One is loaded on the long arm and now I need to find time to quilt it.  
It is small and should not take long.

Next is a patriotic one that is actually pieces from 3 UFOs and should be fairly easy to finish if I would just get to stay home awhile.
I've started a mystery quilt with Mysteries4Military yahoo group. 
I used all scraps in the first clue.  
I hope to be able to use mostly scraps in it. 
The problem is most of my white scraps are smaller than was needed. 
 But, the pre-cuts helped out lots.
I need to be home more.

I don't think I'm going to be home much today either, so.......

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