
Friday, July 29, 2016

Dark Squares

OK, so this is a grouping of leftover blocks.
All dark, most blue.
I want it to not be square, so I have to come up with a different way to set it to stop the squarness.
also the 4 corner blocks are all different sizes, so I need to adjust them to one size.
The center is sewn together.
I'm going to look to see if I've stuffed away any other things that would work in this quilt.


  1. I like what you have going here. It's fun and sometimes frustrating to use a variety of blocks for a project. But I always like using up extra blocks. Good luck.

  2. Just this past week I pulled out my orphan blocks, of which there are MANY, and got to thinking I need to put these into a quilt or quilts! I like how yours is (probably as mine will be) quite a puzzle. But fun!
