
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Stash report

Judy has us keep track of what our stash is doing.
Used this Week:                                     2.43 yards
Used year to Date:                             112.66 yards
Total out of stash this Month (May)     (22.57) yards
Added this Week:                                  25.00 yards
Added Year to Date:                             32.00 yards
Goal:                                                  200.00 yards
Yards to goal:                                       87.34 yards

Net Used in quilts 2016:                     58.05 yards 

A couple of other fun facts are:

Prairie Moon is doing a 350 blocks challenge this year:
Number of equivalent blocks:               216
Perimeter in inches                               3501
Number of UFOs finished this year:   22.16
UFO Yardage Used                                52.78
Amount of yardage used in UFOs          90%

Vacation time didn't allow me to finish anything.
Then, I've not been motivated since I've been home.

Then there was an estate sale I was asked to go to for QOV and I bought fabric.

Guess that means I need to sew more.

1 comment:

  1. Don't we all need to sew more? I know I'm easier to live with the more sewing time I get. It's hard though when the mojo stays on vacation. You've had good numbers so far this year so you'll be back on track in no time.
