
Monday, May 30, 2016

Design Wall Monday

Judy has us keep track of what we are working on.
Check out the other blogs.
This is a graduation Band T-shirt quilt.
I have a plan, now to get the work done. 
This is a memory quilt and I need to make a bear too. 
It is gray and stormy.
I'm not sure if the retirement home is going to take the field trip today or not.
It is raining and going to rain for awhile.


  1. That is going to be a fun t-shirt quilt! It's rainy and gloomy here, too.

  2. Hopefully, it is only gloomy outside. I love the idea of the memory quilt with the bear.

  3. Lots of color and pattern play on your design wall.
    Rain? What is that? SoCal is ever drier...
