
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Judy has us keep track of what our stash is doing.
Used this Week:                           -19.22 yards
Used year to Date:                        41.22 yards
Used this Month (March)              -19.22 yards
Added this Week:                          27.50 yards
Added Year to Date:                     38.25 yards
Goal:                                           100.00 yards
Yards to goal:                              95.60 yards

Net Used in quilts 2016:              41.22 yards 

A couple of other fun facts are:

Prairie Moon is doing a 350 blocks challenge this year:
Number of equivalent blocks:               169
Perimeter in inches                               2606
Number of UFOs finished this year:   17.16
UFO Yardage Used                                36.89
Amount of yardage used in UFOs          89%

Mostly long arm quilting this week, and then a friend gave me yardage.
Very nice of her, but it sure messes up my totals.
I did find a barrel of fabric that I might be able to share with someone else.
I do have one binding that should get done this week.
Hoping that the two I have ready to quilt can be quilted and reduce my negative number.

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