
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Stash Report

Judy has us keep track of what our stash is doing.
Used this Week:                            0.05 yards
Used year to Date:                         8.10 yards
Used this Month (February)           1.53 yards
Added this Week:                           0.75 yards
Added Year to Date:                    10.75 yards
Goal:                                           100.00 yards
Yards to goal:                               91.90 yards

Net Used in quilts 2016:              18.85 yards 

A couple of other fun facts are:

Prairie Moon is doing a 350 blocks challenge this year:
Number of equivalent blocks:               100

Perimeter in inches                               1168
Number of UFOs finished this year:    7.05
UFO Yardage Used                               18.37
Amount of yardage used in UFOs          97%

So, it seems that every time I think I  am making progress, I run into a buy or a gift.
Then, I don't seem to be finishing lots of my own stuff.
I've been working on Lana's quilts to help her out, so that is good but not for my numbers.
I have 3 quilts ready to quilt, so if I can get some of them quilted today, maybe my numbers next week will be better.
Time will tell.


  1. You've done so badly this year. Good luck on getting to some of your things this next week.

  2. You will be in good shape real soon.
