
Tuesday, February 16, 2016


I used to be fairly good about filing and de-cluttering.
So, what happened?
Who knows.
But, I can't find some important papers that I know I had in one of two spots.
No, they are not in either spot, so I must have a third important paper spot.
That is really frustrating for me.
But, if I stop looking for it, it will show up.

It's hard to tell here, but that big plastic bag holds all my little plastic bags as I use them
This was overflowing and would not hang up, so I sorted and put them away.
I must be using up projects that were stored in plastic bags, because I had so many.
Now I will have to go into the cabinet to get what I need. ;(
Might not look that great, but I put away lots of fabric.
I am using the black Kona.
I have the simply woven in that basket.
My small container of scraps should be sorted.
OK, so all the scraps but the black have been put away.

I also filed all the 2016 papers, so that is good.

Still working on taxes, so that 2015 stuff is still out.

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