
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Prairie Moon Challenge

This week's goal is to

Finish up any last-minute Christmas gifts

I'm not really making Christmas gifts this year, but I can get the other things wrapped.  I'm behind this year.

I got my floor cleaned in one section and then it all piled up in the rest of the room.  I could really work on that for this week again.


  1. A lot of my own organization has simply been to move the piles from one place to another. I'm just glad that some of them got a little bit smaller in the process. I don't have gifts to finish, either, but I do have a few customer quilts that still need to get quilted.

  2. Hooray Meloney! You have done MORE than I! The only thing I have organize is my UFOs. They are all in containers and when my studio is finish, I'll know where they are to get started. The only Christmas sewing I did was make 8 dish towels for my sister. That was it!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!
