
Friday, November 13, 2015

Life changing times

Today is the first day we start on homeschooling my 11th grade daughter.
She is having some serious health issues, so we are going to get that in order and learn at the same time.
We are going to the gym at 8:30 and I woke up early, so what do you do?

Find an easy UFO and make a zippered bag.
Need to find my zipper foot to make these, but it was a fun project.
I have lots of pieces in a bag and bought zippers at an estate sale, so I might just do this today while DD figures out her workspace. 
This past week was clean off your sewing area.
I got one side of the machine cleared fairly well.
I have a box of things that need to go back to the band.
The rest of the area is cluttered, but it is organized.
I'll call it a success.

My fabric usage from everything is exactly 300 yards this year. 
I need to adjust my goal to 400, I guess.

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