
Sunday, September 27, 2015


So, my life has been crazy lately.
It seems that band has taken over everything.
This beautiful young lady is why I am so involved in Band.
It is all worth it.

I like to join in things to keep me focused and have company (even if it is only virtual company).
In joining things I have some commitments to accomplish something.
So, my focus this week has been on what to do about those commitments.
I truly want to finish all the tasks in the procrastination challenge.
That is something I'm working on not doing - procrastination.

But, when you get months behind on something what do you do?
Do you work on the current project that is pulled or do you try and catch up?

I'm not sure which one makes more sense and would love to hear what others do.

Part of me wants to catch up, but if you don't get the catch up done and the current done, you will always be behind.
Does that help with the attitude? No
So, I'm thinking that I need to work on the current project and when it is done work on one of the ones that were not accomplished during the time it was picked.

Then comes the organization challenges.
I was involved in two.
One has stopped being posted about, so I imagine life got in their way too.
I love that others are working on the same area as I am.
Because of the Prairie Moon challenge, my cutting table and pressing table are always clear.
If I mess them up, the next time I'm in the room I clear them off.
My desk is getting better.  I can actually see the wood.
My fabrics are organized and when I mess them up, I fix it quickly.
So, having those challenges, doing them and seeing the result helps me keep my studio in better order.

It's my UFOs that seem to not be getting done when the challenge is established.
I suppose that is the nature of the UFO.

My stashbuster numbers challenge was going so well and then band happened.
Now I am behind, so far behind it is stressing me out.
Every month Stashbuster picked a low number and a high number for us to work on.
This is the list of what I've not finished.
Some just need to be quilted.
64. Fall Quilt
4. Angels (Needs to be quilted)
9. Applique turtles
88. 6.5" blocks (Needs to be quilted)
6. Ann's 2009 NYE Mystery
50. embroidery blocks (5 done)
12. Basket block
83. Misc. 12" blocks
1. 9 patches bright/white
55. Flower garden top - small 9 patches with book
11. Basket block
40.Copper and teal quilt

If you notice on the list, one item is picked for two months because when I complete an item I take it off the list, so the numbering system adjusts.
I feel overwhelmed by this list.
Some of these just need to be quilted.
Then you get to the long arm acting out.
I talked to Gammill yesterday and hope to have figured it out.
I hate tension problems.

For the Sampler Society, I only have the Harley quilt that is behind.
i have a plan to finish that by making it my Lovely Year of Finishes.

Lovely Year of Finishes has you pick one quilt a month to complete, and then you are entered into a drawing for prizes.
I have finished every month but one.
The next month I put the same UFO in that challenge and finished it early.
I am up to date on this one.

Prairie Moon Procrastination challenge has me procrastinating. :(
She had us pick 12 UFOs and then draws a number each month.
I randomly went to my UFO closet and pulled 12 projects out.
These are what I am behind on and it is almost October.
June #1 Western Sunset
August #9 Zippered Pouches
September #10 Spring Jelly Roll
I have not even started on the Spring Jelly Roll, but it is started, so it depends on my focus.

Then I opted to test a couple of things for TQPM.
One is because that young lady up top saw a test request and she requested I make it for her.  LOL
The other one is a technique that I've wanted to try for years.
I just need two days to really focus and I'd be able to make progress.
They have to get done, so they will.

I think that sometimes I bite off more than I can chew or sew.

In sitting here and extroverting about my problem, I think I might have my answer for me.

I think I need to focus on the current project in my areas for success.
Spring Jelly Roll
Basket Block
Copper and Teal Quilt
After I do that, then I can work my way back through the ones that have not been done.
I might even take some of these off the list so they don't clutter my thoughts.
They are UFOs and don't have a purpose yet, so do I have the need to stress myself out over them?  Probably not.

Thanks for listening and helping me make a decision.
Sometimes it just takes putting my thoughts down in print and seeing the answer.

How are you handling the overwhelming part of quilting?

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