
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Prairie Moon Organizational Challenge

I love that I have someone to hold me somewhat accountable, I appreciate Prairie Moon for keeping at this. 
Last week was magazines.
I really thought I had gone through all of mine.
No such luck.
Unloading the book shelves found many more.
I am not done, but I've gone through MANY MANY MANY magazines.
I will keep at it and see if I can possible get this done by the end of July.

This week, we are to

Make a list

This is my thing...
All my friends know I'm the queen of lists.
What lists do I have right now?
1. UFOs
2. Quilts to be made
3. Things to do for the week
4.  Things to do today
5. Books
6. CDs

I think the list I'm going to work on is what am I taking on my week long personal retreat.
I'll be by myself and can sew and nap to my heart's content.
I know I'll take more than I need, but that is the fun of it.

To start it
1. Monkey n' Round UFO
2. Harley quilt UFO
3. Baby Clothing 2.5" square quilt UFO
4. Christmas Tree UFO
5. Charm square tote bag UFO
6. Pink HST
7. Test Quilt
8. Ann's 2009 NYE Mystery
9. Embroidery blocks
10. Western sunset

1 comment:

  1. That's quite a list! And none of those is from your Procrastination Challenge!?!?! No worries -- I'm going to a retreat this weekend, and none of the projects I'm taking are from my list, either! haha! Enjoy your week -- you'll get so much done!
