
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Prairie Moon organization task

Prairie Moon's Organization Task is:

Revisit a previous task and work on it again.

I finished going through 2 of my scrap bins.
They are organized, but there are just too many of them.  
In going through some, I folded them a bit nicer, and that gave more room.
I won't do these just to do them, but if I'm using a color, I will go through and fold.
I organized my purple and one white container.

January 1: Organize your oldest UFO Changed to organize my UFOs
January 8: Work on organizing your magazines or books
January 15: Change your rotary cutter blade(s) or change your sewing machine needle
January 22: Organize your marking pens and pencils
January 29: Clean out and organize one drawer
February 5: Clean off your cutting table or main work area
February 12: Learn to use a new tool
February 19: Put away stray fabric and other items
February 26: Deal with the paper clutter
March 5: Go back and pick a task from a previous week that you're not finished with and work on it again.
March 12: Organize your thread
March 19: Clean out one drawer
March 26: Work on your one UFO that is closest to finished
April 2: Eradicate a pile
April 9: Choose one small area that needs attention and work on it.
April 16: Organize your ruler collection
April 25: Clean up the area around your sewing machine
April 30: Choose 10 things to deal with
May 7: Clean your sewing machine (or have it serviced)
May 15: Put together a travel sewing kit
May 21: Clean out a storage area
May 28: Clean out a fabric bin
June 4: Revisit a previous task and work on it again.

So, it items in green are still OK from having been done before.
The other items I could find something to do on.
I might just start working on something and see how far I get.
I am still going through my magazines.
I could change my rotary blade.
My cutting table is OK, except for the mess from the last cut.  I could clean it off.
I have so many drawers, I could always do one of them.
Paper clutter is doing better, but is always a challenge for me.
I have lots of UFOs to do.
I always have piles of something that need to be dealt with.
I find working on a small area is always a help.
I probably always have 10 things to deal with.
1.  Get all the cups downstairs to be washed.
My sewing machine is going to the shop on Monday.  I know because I have to be out that way for something else.
I have storage areas that need attention.  some of those are for crafts.
I'll keep you posted as I go along.

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