
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

pillow forms

It's hard to tell, but these are 10 pillow forms made out of batting. 
I should have taken a before photo of the batting to see the difference once I've made 40, 30 more, pillow forms.
This was up to the table top.
I'll be using the stuff I use in dog beds and such to stuff the pillow forms, along with smaller pieces of batting.
I might actually make a dent in some of the small stuff.
It takes time stitching it together, but I'm happy to be using it for a good cause.

1 comment:

  1. I seem to get myself into 'mass producing' projects too. We always try to do more...and more. Can;t wait to see all your pillows finished. I am probably making just as many fabric grocery sacks - working with home dec fabrics is not my idea of having fun, but at least the sewing machine is running.
