
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Group impacts

How do certain groups impact my actions?
Stashbusters is a yahoo group that helps you use your stash rather just buying for buying.
When they had the no buy program, you could legally buy backing, borders and backgrounds.
I went on no buy for two years and then went on the low buy method.
How did tracking what I used and brought in help?
I started in December 2006
2006       14.54
2007     211.73
2008     151.81
2009       54.81
2010     109.15
2011     195.01
2012     223.52
2013       97.92
2014     204.19
Total   1262.68

Not a bad usage of fabric in 9 years.
The only scary part of that is you can hardly see any impact to my stash. :(
But, I have many more years of fabric that I'll be able to use.
My style has changed to more scrappy than anything, and that is good with the stash I have.

My sampler society has been helping me use orphan blocks for 3 years.
We have a UFO challenge going on for the last two years and I've finished at least a dozen quilts.

I think the accountability of the groups helps me with staying focused on what I want to accomplish.

I like the on line friendships and help.
When I'm lost at what to do, there is someone that has been there before to help me.

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