
Monday, June 8, 2015

Goals for the Week

To do List

Test table runner
T-shirt quilt started
Angels top
Dolphin pillow
Borders on 6" block
Borders on 6" block

The table runner and T-shirt quilt are probably the most difficult of these items.
I hope to have lots of sewing time after today.

I am still going through my magazines.
Went through only about 5 yesterday and only kept 2..
This is a huge improvement from when I started, but will keep on going through them.

I probably always have 10 things to deal with.
I'll pick the next one when I finish one.
1.  Get all the cups downstairs to be washed. 
DONE, now to keep it that way.
2.  File Mom's paperwork.
3. Find and pass out the fundraiser information.

We are on our way to take the sewing machine in.

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