
Friday, May 1, 2015

weekend plan

So, we are having carpet and hardwood installed downstairs.  After seeing all the mess with that, I don't think I want my carpet changed out.  LOL

They have been short of both materials, so the days are not going great.  The hardwood is complete, except for the molding and putting things back.  Minor items, I know.

That being said, I will need to be home tomorrow for them to come back and fix things.

My list is going to be:
Make 3 color guard pillows
Try and get the Laundry room back to normal.
Load and Quilt Lana's quilt.

If I don't get distracted, I should be able to get these things done.

I've been sewing all day with breaks to check progress.

I've been productive.
Black and Bright top, back and batting done
Animal panel top, back and batting done.
Small orphan 6" blocks top done.
Laid out another small 6" block top.  I need to make 4 snowballs and I can sew it together.
Pulled my dolphin block and fabrics to make a large pillow.
Cutting 6" alternate squares for angel quilt.

No wonder I'm tired.  LOL

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