
Monday, May 18, 2015

Sewing kit

So, I was supposed to put together my sewing kit for the Prairie Moon Challenge.

This is all the stuff I have in it.

It fits into the clear bag.

Then, the project fits into the pink bag and the clear one on top.
The next step is to get my applique project together.

Now that the T-shirt quilt is done, I have a little cushion.
Not much, but two weeks to finish the other items on my list.

A1 1.  Coach wall hanging.
I just need to sew on the rings.
2.  Tote Bag/Pillow
3.  Book shelf quilt
4. Purple quilt
A2 5. World Quilt

I think the purple quilt is going to me my long pole.
I wish I could find the mesh for the tote bag I wanted to do.
I moved it and have no idea where I might have stored it.

So, I was trying to get things done for the booster banquet on Thursday.
Would you believe my printer decided to die at 12 months, 2 weeks.
How long is the warranty, you might ask?  12 months.  :(
I might just need to sic my DH on COSTCO to get a new printer.
Crazy times.

Oh well, such is life and I'll figure out a solution tomorrow.
Tomorrow is another day!

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