
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Project update

1.  Tote Bag/Pillow
So, I found the mesh and pattern.
2.  Book shelf quilt
Just needs to be quilted and bound.
3. Purple quilt
Have a UFO that I can make.
4. Musical name plate
Need to figure this one out.
Should be embroidered, so shouldn't be too bad.
5. World Quilt
Just needs to be quilted and bound.

Only about 10 more days to finish all these.
It's happening, but I need to focus more during the daytime.

If I can get one or two quilted tomorrow, then I'd have something to bind while waiting for DD.

My magazine sorting is going well.
I just had too many magazines.
I'm down to one crate and still have them in the car to go through when waiting.

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