
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Prairie Moon Organization

Time for Prairie Moon's challenge.
Last week was to clean out a storage area.
I picked my corner cabinet.
Well, I got it started, and found some larger pieces of batting and lots of smaller pieces.
Some really strange batting that I have not idea what I used it for.
I think I am going to make some pillow forms out of it.
I cleaned out enough to get my pillow forms in the cabinet.
I still have some other batting to find a home for.
I really need a project to use up batting pieces.

This week is 
Clean out a fabric bin
I have lots of scrap bins.
They are organized by color and going through them is not helpful if I'm not using them.
That being said, I'm working on one of my scrappy UFOs that uses purple and white.
I started cutting and organizing the purple bin today.
I am now working on the white.
They both still need to be cut from, so they will be my challenge.
Just started cutting from this one. 
The back pile is what still needs to be gone through.
The front is how the bin looks now.

1 comment:

  1. You are making GREAT progress! I wish mine was coming along as speedily as yours.
