
Friday, April 10, 2015

Birthday Day

It was probably the best birthday in 10 years.
Started off with rain and getting Mom’s trust income taxes done by a friend.
Then, I came home for a quick nap and out to lunch with friends. 
I got a wonderful Texas Sheet cake.  
Another friend gave me dog slippers.  
They are like a mop.  
LOL  Very cute.
Came home and took a quick nap.
Picked Ashley up and took her and a friend with us to the Salt Like for dinner. 
Too much food, but fun.  
I finished the owl wall hanging.
I got a pedicure and fill, massage certificate, gift card to Wal-mart (where I get gas all the time), & two quilt magazines from the family
Randy went by Cabela’s and the kids and I stayed in the car and played a game that’s a mix of Jeopardy & charades.  We laughed so much.

I’m home and I think it is really close to bed time.

So basically, I had a birthday like from the beginning.
Eat and sleep.  :)
Hope you had a great day too.

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