
Thursday, March 26, 2015

15 minute spiff up

Time to look at your magazines -- keep them and organize them or dump them and use the space for more fabric or?  

The choice is yours. 

This is my stack of magazines that I've not gone through yet.
I'll work on them this week and see what I can get rid of or put in the magazine holders.

Check your cutting tables and your sewing space.  
Are they still clean?  Is stuff creeping back to those surfaces?  
If so, do a quick spiff up of those two areas. 

My cutting table has things that I'm cutting on it.
My pressing table is has nothing on it but the applique items.
they actually are staying clean.

1 comment:

  1. started going through them. I wonder if this is the pile I originally started for the ones I wanted to keep?
    We shall see how many are given away for that one.
