
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Status update

ABC quilt has 2 borders on and 2 more green to go.
I think after that will just be a blue border. 
Christmas quilt has 2 borders on and 2 more to go.
I will embroider "Merry Christmas" on the top and "Noel" below the present. 
Pineapple blossom needs to be sewn together.
I will use some of the bonus hst for bordering this quilt. 
For such a small quilt, I don't know why I had trouble loading it today.
Only the top is pinned on.


  1. Lots of interesting WIPs. Good luck in pushing them to the next stage this week.

  2. I did that too last night. I got to the part of the book where all the plot threads were coming together and I just couldn't put it down. I need to get back at my ALYofF February goal too. I got sidetracked making my Love Struck Purse and Valentine's Pips.
