
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Stash Report #6

Used this Week:                           12.42 yards
Used year to Date:                      191.09 yards
Used this Month:                         12.42 yards
Added this Week:                            3.0 yards
Added Year to Date:                       7.50 yards
Goal:                                             200 yards
Yards to goal:                               8.91 yards
Net for 2015:                              191.09 yards 

check out the other posts on Judy's site.

DS's quilt finishing this week brought be lots closer.

A couple of other fun facts are:

Prairie Moon is doing a 350 blocks challenge this year:
Number of equivalent blocks:               120

Perimeter in inches                             2318
Number of UFOs finished this year:        16


  1. Whatever are you doing.. Not right to reach your goal in February - it just means it wasn't high enough. Now since your goal was 200 yards and you reached that in 2 months, I think your 2015 goal should be at least 500 yards. How about changing your goal. That will still give you the summer off for vacation, gardening, knitting or whatever else you enjoy.

  2. Awesome numbers Mel! Keep up the good work!

  3. What ???? you are almost at your goal of using 200 yards and it's only February! What's up with that girl?
    You must be sewing day and night!

  4. Amazing numbers! Leaving the rest of us in the dust. Have a great week!
