
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Prairie Moon

Prairie Moon challenge is

Deal with the paper clutter
So, I've done really well with the other challenges.
I think I brought this on myself by saying I need to handle the paper clutter.
It is embarrassing to show this photo.
the pile to the left of the chair is my Mom's stuff that I need to figure out how to handle.
The pile in the front is band booster things.
The beige basket is all the leftover envelopes I need to toss or put away.
The desk is a never ending pile of mess.
The blue bag doesn't really have much in it. 
I went through things and they got put there and now I don't know what I wanted to do with them.
So, I don't know if I'll be able to take care of ALL of it, but something is better than nothing, I think.  LOL

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure I have more to tackle than I can handle in just one week myself!
