
Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Well, I have been doing things. 
I've just not been doing LOTS.  LOL
On the organizing this spot to my left, I've gone through things.
I reduced the trays from 3 to one.
It holds all that I need.
I did organize the bobbins in cute little containers I already had.
That white box to the left has embroidery threads in it.
I organized them and took all the loose bobbins and they are in a baggie inside the bottom drawer.
My pens, pencils are organized by type an sitting ready to use.
They seem like too much, but I like having them out and available.
I cleaned off the little drawers from all the extra papers and such.
It feels more calm with it all straightened out.
For my sewing, I've been working on this chicken quilt.
I have all the center pieces cut and ready to sew together.
The open spot is the block I'm working on now.
I think the checkerboard needs to have one more round for the border
I think I'll bind it in gold. 
I am using the pineapple blossom as the leader ender project.

Hope everyone is safe and enjoying the week.

1 comment:

  1. Love your chicken quilt - like a Purina bag. =) Pineapple Blossom is a good one to use - love it.
