
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thursday sewing

This is Bonnie Hunter's pineapple blossom UFO I have.
I made too many block pieces, so they are cut and not sewn.
My first sewn block.
It is for one DH's hunting friend's wife.

So, I think I am down to two more bug jars, maybe three.
This is how I arranged the jars.
You KNOW DD will be in there rearranging them.
As soon as I finish the jar and she does her thing, I will start to put the background in place.
We shall see if she moves any shelves around.  LOL
This is one of my Sampler Society UFOs, and it will make at least two other bug jar quilts.
I don't know that I will make 3 of these this month.
It might just stay on the UFO listing.
I know who it is going to, so that is a good thing.

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