
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Stashbuster UFO numbers & Sampler Society

February numbers have been announced.
#2 & 64
That equates to ABC Quilt & Fall Quilt.
I need to find them in the UFO Cabinet
So, I open the UFO cabinet and this is what happened.
Only one item fell out. 
After I quickly found the two items.
They happened to be fairly close to the front, thank you!
I put the stuff back and this is how it looks.
My ABC Quilt is this pretty alphabet panel that I cut apart and never did anything with.
I don't have any green in the bag, but I think I would like to use both green and blue.
The Fall quilt is one that is just a jumble of blocks.
I think this was actually a quilt that was not put together very well and was donated to me.
Then, some of the blocks are swap blocks.
So, we will see if I can put them all together into a cohesive fall quilt.

If left to me, neither of these would be in my current to do list.

The Sampler Society UFO challenge gives us two months to work on it.
I finished one of the Bug jar quilts.
I still have bug fabric left.
I might not make it into another bug jar quilt, but I will use the bug fabrics for something.
I knew I had too many bug fabrics to make just one quilt.
I went ahead and did a random number generator to figure out when I'd be working on my 6 UFOs that I selected.
Check out the side bar to see when I do what.

1 comment:

  1. I thought ->I<- had a lot of UFOs. WOW. Now, I feel better. YIKES!
