
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Stash Report Week 1, 2015

Used this Week:                      134.35 yards
Yards used in quilts this week:     7.41 yards
Used year to Date:                  134.35 yards
Used this Month:                    134.35 yards
Added this Week:                           0 yards
Added Year to Date:                       0 yards
Goal:                                         200 yards
Net for 2015:                                    65.65 yards used

So, what happened?  How did I get so many yards used this year?  
I cleaned out from under the long arm and found yard and yards of fabric to get out of my stash.
I'm going to track the yardage in quilted items and other fabric usage.
I'm happy to have that much fabric out of my house.

Check out Judy's other stash reports.


  1. You have had a busy start to the new year so far - hunting bags, jars full of bugs and CLEANING! I always put off cleaning for as long as I can.

    Congrats on realizing that some fabric will never get made into a quilt or dog bed and it is better off living some place else. Great numbers!

  2. WOW, I think you already reached your goal for the year with all that fabric leaving your house. Hopefully the person who got it does keep track of added stash. lol
