
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Non 100% cotton fabric

Well, I went to put some fabric into my bins and decided to pass on some not 100% cotton fabric. Two bins and 40 yards later, I am passing it on the Tammy!

If each of my drawers handles 20 yards of fabric, and I have 24 drawers full of scraps plus the cut pieces, that means I have at least 480 yards of fabric in my scrap drawers.  Yikes.  That is scary to think about, especially since I didn't count partial drawers, containers of reproduction fabric or the already cut pieces drawers.

If I look at it as a normal quilt top that I make is about 4 yards of fabric, I have enough scraps to make 120 quilts.  Wow, I guess I better get busy, because we know those quilts would normally need background that might or might not be scrappy, which means those scraps will make more than that.

If I made a quilt a month that would take 10 years to use it up.

Oh, I forgot about the strings that overfill a large laundry hamper.  that is probably equivalent to 8 more drawers, or 160 yards?????  40 more quilts?  I know the strings breed too, so I know it would end up being more than that.

We also know that when you put fabric needed in your UFO containers, when you finish one of your UFOs, you make more scraps.  I think I should challenge myself to use scraps to finish my UFOs.

We are only talking about scraps here, not what is in my folded fabric.

OK, I've shamed myself.

I need to make more scrappy quilts and get busy on them.

I did make another of my long term blocks.  My stumbling block here is I have very few 2" hst.  I think I have a box somewhere that has gone missing, but I've not seen it since vacation.  I need lots of these, and I only have 5 done so far.  LOL  This quilt has the 2 1/2" hst center done.  It will have this 2" hst border and then a 1.5" hst border.  I am using all my waste hst that have a light and dark make up.  It is a very long term project.  I might just have to work on the 1.5" hst while I wait for my quilting to product the 2" ones that I need.  It will happen.  I've already done one scrappy quilt with my bonus hst.  My friend, Lorena calls me crazy, but she wanted the last one that I did.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mel, would you like some of my scrap/waste Half square triangles. I'm drowning in them.

