
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Goal Status

I thought I'd take a moment and get myself on track for my goals this year.  In order to do that, I need to evaluate how I've done so far.

1. I would like to fling the things I don't want anymore. 
I have gone through my book shelf and donated 2/3 of the books to the library.  They are in the library, so no going back now.  The books I kept I really wanted to keep.
I've gone through fabric that was less loved than other fabric and it is donated.  It is our of my house, so it is really gone.
I have started going through clothing, including doing it with DD's closet, and we have donated 3 trash bags of clothing this year.
We cleaned out the top shelf that holds all the water bottles and containers.  We sent half of them to the donation box.
Overall, I think we have taken a great step to decluttering our home.

2. I want to treat myself and my family better.
I'm exercising more, I'm working at balancing the areas of my life.  I'm working at not getting worked up as quickly.  We are having more family time.  I would like this to improve, but have taken some positive steps.

3. I would like to use/give away a net of 200 yards of fabric this year. 
I know I'm going to make this goal, maybe in the first 2 months of the year.  I gave so much away that this is an easy goal to meet.  I'm sure I will need to revise it to 300 yards.

4. I want to finish 50 UFOs this year.
January finishes are at 12 for now, with a week to go.
I plan to keep track on how many each month.

5. I want to learn how to digitize using Embird
I've not done anything on this but buy a cheap set of lessons.  I'm hoping that will help me get started.

6. I want to be able to see out of the window by long Arm
I have one box that won't be going back up there.  This is a long term goal, maybe more than one year.

I would say I've been fairly on task so far this month.  I plan to keep going to see how I'm doing each month.

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