
Monday, January 12, 2015

Design Wall Monday

Not much difference.
Yesterday took a turn with my Mom going in the hospital.
I barely had time to do emails last night.
I think I want to add 5-6 more jars to the shelf and see how much background fabric is needed.
If I have enough background fabric, I'll add another full shelf to the bottom,
Check out other design walls at Judy's site


  1. Sorry about your mom :( Hope she is better.

  2. Good health to your mom, and comfort to you and your family. I like your jars. That fishy one is my favorite!

  3. It's hard to play with a quilt when someone in the family isn't 100%. I had fun with jars and have the quilt to show for it! Keep going -- you might have a whole pantry at some point!
