
Monday, January 19, 2015

Batting Challenge

So, I'm inspired to take more action in my studio.
My challenge to myself is to organize and use more of my batting pieces.
This mess is behind my cutting table.
It is larger sizes of batting.
I can't throw it away.
I do piece it for smaller quilts.
It was overflowing and pushing the top of the table.
I've made progress.  Wish I had a before photo. 
The bins on the left are filled with smaller pieces of batting
This is what I used in Randy's draft filler socks.
It needs to have some projects done with it.
I'm just not sure what they are.
If the pieces are 5" wide, I do make coasters out of them.
It's all a process.
There is a window behind those cases.
My goal will be to figure out how to use up things to be able to see out of the window.
I don't know that it will happen this year, but it is a goal.

1 comment:

  1. Try rag quilts and quilt as u go techniques for the batting scrsps. Good luck
