
Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas

Our tree changes the lights.  Here is all white

Here is multi-colored.

I hope your day was Christ filled.  
We started off with DH taking photos of us getting up or waking up.
Next was opening stockings and some gifts.
Then we had some yummy butterbraids (the ones the band sold)
More opening of presents.
I think we went overboard.
Randy was making dinner and I didn't get to help him at all.
The kids and I played apples to apples.
Interesting and funny game.
Went to get Mom and she was in a mood. :(
She seems very weak and had trouble walking and getting into the car.
Makes me sad.
Had a wonderful dinner - prime rib, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, rice, egg rolls and sweet potatoes.  Yummmmy
Afternoon started with kids playing darts.  That is not a game that should be played inside. LOL
Mom wanted to go home quickly, so we had trouble getting her into the car and back to Autumn Winds, but she is there safe and sound.  The table between the chairs seems to work, so I hope it helps keep her in bed at night.
Came home and played Apples to Apples.
I took a nap, which is why I'm up so late.
I got to watch Christmas movies and read quilting magazines I got for Christmas.
Randy went to bed early.
Kids are playing a computer game and I'm checking in with my friends.
Merry CHRISTmas!
May we remember who's birthday we are celebrating.

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