
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Cutting and more cutting

Well, I don't have a photo, but I spent the day stabilizing and cutting the baby clothing into 2.5" squares, again.  This is a never ending project and when I get this quilt done, I will have another one to do the same thing on. LOL
Carol and I are getting together to focus each other on our craft.  Seems to be working, because if I were home, I would never had made it through the 3 hours that I cut.
I am making progress.  I should take time and sew some of them together and see how it is looking. I have some variety now, so that is good.  I still have more than two of the reusable grocery bags full of clothing to cut for the boy quilt.  What a project, but I think it will be fun when it gets done.  I also have a HUGE bin of girl clothing to work on,
They are taking up my walk way in between my cutting table and big board.  I won't know what to do when they are not there anymore. :)

We are having a rain storm tonight.  Hope it stays steady so we can get some good coverage and the water storage can be positively impacted.

I need to get photos of the towels I made for DD's teachers.  Now to get her to put something together when she gives them to the teachers.

I am almost as busy as ever, but the competition season for band is over, so that is going to be helpful.

As I'm in my room more, I want to straighten it up.  These are my scraps.  I have no idea how to get this to turn and stay turned.  But, I had fabric all hanging out and it was a mess.
 I worked on it a bit and it looks a little better.  I wonder how many scrap quilts are in that wall of scraps?  I know I've made many a quilt and this never seems to go down.  It is time to focus and use some of them up.

I am making something for bandcoming.  It is on the 14th, so I'd better figure out what I'm doing fairly soon.  LOL

Hope your November is fabulous and gives you lots of be thankful for!

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